TUESDAY JUNE 11th   |   11:00 AM PT

Summertime Sends ☀️

Email & SMS Campaigns for Hotter ROI


Director of Customer Success,

Daniel Monte

Get ready to dive into the sizzling world of summer marketing with “Summertime Sends: Email & SMS Campaigns for Hotter ROI”

Discover why summer is a crucial season for your business and explore exciting content ideas that will turn this traditionally slow season into your money maker. Learn how to leverage email and SMS channels effectively and infuse fun into your marketing strategies, ensuring your brand stands out all season long!

Your Summertime Promotional Calendar

Gain insights on event-based marketing strategies to boost sales during key summer events

Hyper-personalization for conversion-worthy sends  

Learn tactics to craft engaging,
non-promotional content tailored to various seasonal themes

Unified playbook for omnichannel success

Understand how to leverage email, SMS, and reviews for summer content to maximize engagement